Acing SwiftUI Chart – The Complete Guide

The Complete Guide to SwiftUI Charts: Create Beautiful and Informative Data Visualizations. Charts are an essential tool for displaying data in a way that is easy to understand and interpret. They allow users to quickly and easily identify trends, patterns, and outliers in the data. With the introduction of SwiftUI, creating charts on iOS has never been easier. SwiftUI is a powerful framework for building user interfaces on iOS, and one of the features it offers is the ability to create charts. Charts are an essential tool for displaying data in a way that is easy to understand and interpret. They allow users to quickly and easily understand trends, patterns, and outliers in the data. In this blog post, we will explore how to create charts in SwiftUI and how to customize them to fit your needs. SwiftUI offers several built-in chart types, including bar charts, line charts, range charts, heat map or rectangle charts, and area charts. These charts can be easily created by using the corresponding views provided by the framework. SwiftUI Charts is adding visual appeal to your iOS App. Mastering charts in SwiftUI involves understanding the various types of charts available, such as bar charts, line…

Acing SF Symbols – The Complete Guide – Swift & SwiftUI

SF Symbols is a set of over 4000 configurable vector-based symbols provided by Apple for use in iOS, iPadOS, and macOS apps. These symbols are designed to be highly legible and consistent with Apple’s design guidelines, making it easy for developers to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. SF Symbols is a valuable tool for developers as it allows for the incorporation of a vast and expanding selection of icons within apps. With each passing year, the collection of icons grows larger with the addition of new symbols and the enhancement of existing features such as multicolor rendering in iOS 14 and complete layer control in iOS 15. These icons are designed to be highly customizable and can be used in both Swift and SwiftUI. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using SF Symbols in your iOS apps, and how you can incorporate them into your Swift and SwiftUI projects. In this blog post, we will cover the basics of using SF Symbols in your iOS apps, including how to customize the appearance, how to use it in SwiftUI, and how to take advantage of the benefits of using SF Symbols. Whether you’re a seasoned iOS…

Show Map in SwiftUI

With SwiftUI, displaying maps in your app is made easy through the use of the Map view. It allows for seamless integration of maps within the rest of your app’s views and gives you control over various aspects such as user interactions, annotations, and more. To begin, you’ll need to create a state that tracks the coordinates to be displayed on the map. This can be done using the MKCoordinateRegion class, which takes a latitude and longitude pair for the center of the map and a MKCoordinateSpan to control the area visible on the map. For example, the following code will create a map centered on the city of New York: As the user interacts with the map and scrolls around, the coordinates displayed on the map will automatically update according to the region state you have created. You can also control how much interaction the user has with the map by providing a MKMapViewInteraction parameter to your Map view. For example, if you want to allow the user to zoom in and out, but not pan to new locations, you can set the interactionMode to .zoom. Additionally, you can enable the display of the user’s location on the map…

Common Use cases of ViewModifier in SwiftUI

SwiftUI’s ViewModifier protocol allows you to create reusable pieces of functionality that can be applied to multiple views, making it a powerful tool for organizing and simplifying your code. By creating custom view modifiers, you can abstract away common functionality, such as padding or styling, and apply it to multiple views in a consistent and easy-to-maintain way. Use of custom view modifier for reusability in SwiftUI One common use case for view modifiers is applying a consistent style or theme to multiple views. For example, you could create a custom view modifier that sets the font, color, and background color of a view, and then apply it to multiple text views throughout your app to ensure a consistent style. Another use case of viewModifier is adjusting padding or spacing. By creating a view modifier that adds padding or spacing to a view, you can avoid having to manually adjust the padding or spacing of multiple views in your app, and instead apply the same functionality in a consistent way. Another use case for view modifiers is adding a custom behavior or logic to your views. For example, you could create a view modifier that changes the text color of a…

The power of map in Swift

The map function in Swift is a powerful tool for transforming the elements of a collection in a concise and expressive way. It allows you to apply a specific operation to each element of a collection, such as converting an array of integers to an array of strings, or doubling the values in an array of numbers. The map function takes one argument, a closure that specifies the transformation to be applied to each element of the collection. The closure takes one argument, the current element being processed, and returns a new value, which becomes the corresponding element in the new collection. For example, if you have an array of integers and you want to double the values in the array, you could use the map function like this: In this case, the closure is { $0 * 2 }, which takes a single argument, an integer, and returns its double. The map function applies this closure to each element of the numbers array, creating a new array that contains the doubled values. Another example, we could use the map function to convert an array of integers to an array of strings, like this: In this example, the closure is…

The Power of reduce in Swift

The reduce function in Swift is a powerful tool for iterating over a collection and aggregating the values in a way that allows you to accomplish a variety of tasks, such as summing up the values in an array, or finding the maximum or minimum value in an array. The reduce function takes two arguments: an initial value and a closure that specifies how the aggregation should be done. The initial value is the starting point for the aggregation, and the closure takes two arguments: the current accumulated value and the next value in the collection. For example, if you have an array of integers and you want to find the sum of all the elements in the array, you could use the reduce function like this: In this case, the initial value is 0 and the closure is +, which is a function that takes two integers and returns their sum. The reduce function starts by setting the accumulated value to the initial value of 0. Then, it iterates over the array of numbers and applies the closure to the accumulated value and the next number in the array, updating the accumulated value after each iteration. After all the…

How to convert one array of objects to another in Swift?

In Swift, there are several ways to convert one array of objects to another array of objects. One way is to use a for-in loop and map the elements of the original array to the new array. The map function allows you to apply a transformation to each element of an array and returns a new array with the transformed elements. Read more on The power of map in Swift and Map, FlatMap, Filter, Reduce – High order functions in Swift 5+ Another way to convert an array of objects is to use the compactMap function. This function works similarly to the map function, but it also filters out nil values. Another approach is to use the filter function, this function allows you to filter the elements of an array based on a certain condition and returns a new array with only the elements that match that condition Lastly, you can also use the reduce function to convert one array of objects to another array of objects. The reduce function takes an initial value and a closure that takes two parameters. It applies the closure to the initial value and the first element of the array, then applies the closure…

How to Merge Two Arrays in Swift?

In Swift, there are several ways to merge two arrays. One way is to use the + operator to concatenate the two arrays. This method creates a new array that contains the elements from both of the original arrays. Another way to merge two arrays is to use the append(contentsOf:) method. This method appends the elements of one array to the end of another array. You can also use the insert(contentsOf:at:) method to insert the elements of one array into another array at a specific index. You can also use the reduce method to merge two arrays. Read also The Power of reduce in Swift All of these methods will merge two arrays in Swift, but the best method to use will depend on the specific requirements of your application. Each of these methods have their own advantages and limitations. Be sure to test your code thoroughly when using any of these methods to ensure that it behaves as expected.

How to remove nil elements from an array in Swift?

In this blog post, we’re going to explore how to remove nil elements from an array in Swift. An array is a very useful data structure, but sometimes it can contain elements that have the value of nil. This can lead to unexpected behavior in our code, and it’s important to remove those nil values before using the array. In this post, we’ll cover some of the ways you can remove nil elements from an array in Swift. The first and most common way to remove nil elements from an array is by using the filter function. This function takes a closure as a parameter, and the closure is used to determine which elements should be kept in the array. Here’s an example of how to use filter to remove nil elements from an array: In this example, the closure { $0 != nil } is used to filter out any elements that are equal to nil. The filter function then returns a new array that contains only the non-nil elements. Another way to remove nil elements from an array is by using the compactMap function. This function works similarly to filter, but it also allows you to transform the…

How to style Text in SwiftUI?

In this blog post, we’re going to explore how to style text in SwiftUI. Text is a fundamental element in any app and being able to control its appearance is crucial for creating a polished, professional-looking user interface. In this post, we’ll cover some of the ways you can adjust the font, color, and other attributes of text in SwiftUI. One of the most basic ways to style text in SwiftUI is by adjusting the font. The font() modifier can be used to set the font of a text view. You can specify the font to be the system font at a certain size, for example: You can also use custom fonts by providing the font’s name. For example, the following code sets the text’s font to “Avenir Next” with a size of 24 points: In addition to adjusting the font, you can also make text bold or italic, or adjust the font weight or design using the .bold(),.italic() etc. The foregroundColor() modifier can be used to change the text’s color. For example, the following code sets the text’s color to red: You can also use the background() modifier to change the background color of the text view. For example,…

Rendering Markdown in SwiftUI

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that is widely used for formatting plain text documents, and it is a great way to add rich text formatting to your SwiftUI applications. With the power of SwiftUI, it’s easy to render Markdown content and style it to match the look and feel of your app. In iOS 15, Apple has added markdown support right into SwiftUI out of the box. The following example produces the bold, italic, and link text.

Formatting Date in SwiftUI

Dates are an essential component of many applications, and in the past, working with them in Objective-C could be challenging. The DateFormatter class was particularly complex, and developers often needed to reference a dedicated website for assistance. However, in SwiftUI, the Date() API makes it much simpler to work with dates, thanks to its easy-to-use modifiers. It is important to note, though, that Date() is still based on the older Objective-C framework. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to display dates within a Text element in SwiftUI. While the Date() object can be used in various parts of your code, we’ll keep things simple and focus on this one use case. Date Time You can also specify just the .time style, and you’ll get a nicely formatted time displayed: In this article, we have delved into the topic of working with dates and various methods of displaying time in an iOS SwiftUI application. As previously mentioned, it is worth considering exploring the calendar APIs provided by Apple to ensure that dates and times are displayed correctly in your application.

Video in SwiftUI

SwiftUI is a powerful framework for building user interfaces on Apple platforms, and it provides a wide range of features and tools for displaying and manipulating video content. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to present a video in SwiftUI, and discuss some of the key concepts and techniques involved in working with video in SwiftUI. To present a video in SwiftUI, we can use the VideoPlayer view provided by the AVKit framework. The VideoPlayer view is a powerful, full-featured video player that can be easily integrated into a SwiftUI app. It provides all the basic functionality you would expect from a video player, such as play, pause, and seek controls, as well as more advanced features like picture-in-picture and AirPlay support. To use the VideoPlayer view, you first need to import the AVKit framework. You can do this by adding the following line at the top of your Swift file: Next, you can create an instance of the VideoPlayer view and pass it a URL for the video you want to play. You can create the URL object in a number of ways, for example, if the video is in your project’s bundle or from a remote URL.…

SwiftUI Interview Questions And Answers – Part 3 – Data

SwiftUI is a modern, powerful framework for building user interfaces on Apple platforms. It’s a declarative approach to build UI, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. In this blog post, we’ll explore some common SwiftUI interview questions and answers that can help you prepare for a job interview or technical assessment. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the key concepts and techniques for working with data, data flow, view communication, and state management in SwiftUI. As more and more companies adopt SwiftUI, the demand for skilled developers with experience in the framework is rising. If you’re preparing for a SwiftUI-related job interview, it’s important to have a good understanding of the framework’s key concepts and features. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common SwiftUI interview questions that you may encounter in a job interview, and we’ll provide some tips on how to prepare for them. We will focus on the recent updates and the newest features added to SwiftUI. From data-binding to layout and composability, we will help you prepare for various questions that you may encounter during the interview. We will also provide answers that you can…

Implicit stacking in SwiftUI

SwiftUI is a declarative framework for building user interfaces on Apple platforms. One of the core concepts in SwiftUI is the idea of “stacking” views on top of each other to build complex layouts. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of “implicit stacking” in SwiftUI and how it can be used to create dynamic, responsive layouts. One of the benefits of implicit stacking is that it allows us to build layouts in a declarative way, by specifying the order in which views should be added to the hierarchy. If you want to display multiple items in each row of a dynamic list in SwiftUI, the framework provides an intuitive solution that gives you great default behavior. SwiftUI will automatically create an implicit HStack to hold the items, which allows them to be laid out horizontally. For instance, you can create a row that contains a small image on the left and text taking up the remaining space, and then display an array of fruits in a dynamic list. Here’s an example of how this would look in code: You may have noticed that we did not need to explicitly place the image and text views into a Stack in…

How to group views together in SwiftUI

There are several ways to group views together in SwiftUI. If you want to treat multiple views as a single entity and apply a common set of modifications or layouts, you can use the Group view in SwiftUI. It is important to note that, due to technical limitations, a parent view can only contain a maximum of 10 child views at once. Using a Group view can help you work around this limitation. For example:

Tips for Writing Cleaner SwiftUI code

Welcome to this blog post on tips for writing better SwiftUI code! In this post, we will share some best practices and techniques that you can use to improve the quality, efficiency, and readability of your SwiftUI code. Writing clean code is important for any programmer working in a professional setting, regardless of the size or scope of the project. Clean code not only helps to improve the quality and reliability of the software, but it also makes it easier for others (or even yourself, after a period of time) to read and understand. The exact definition of clean code may vary, but a common theme is that it should be readable and easy to understand. By focusing on writing clean code, you can help to ensure that your software is maintainable, scalable, and of high quality. The first rule of functions is that they should be small. The second rule of functions is that they should be smaller than that. Robert C. Martin Best practices There are several best practices to consider when coding user interfaces and views in SwiftUI. First, focus on functionality rather than appearance, and try to keep your views as simple and modular as possible.…

SwiftUI vs UIKit – Benefits and Drawbacks of SwiftUI

Welcome to this blog post on the top advantages and disadvantages of using SwiftUI compared to UIKit! In this post, we will take a look at the main advantages and disadvantages of using SwiftUI over UIKit, and help you decide which framework is the best fit for your needs. Benefits/Advantages Get ahead of the competition and ace your next iOS interview with expert-curated resources. Check out the collection of SwiftUI and Swift interview questions and answers, behavioral interview tips, and the popular custom layout contents. Plus, go through the new section for Engineering Manager to help you excel in your career! Join my free Newsletter 🚀 Drawbacks/Disadvantages Overall, while SwiftUI offers many benefits and improvements over UIKit, it also has some limitations and drawbacks that developers should be aware of.

Custom Color Picker in SwiftUI

To create a simple color picker in SwiftUI, you can use a Picker control and bind it to an array of Color values. Here is an example of how you might do this: This creates a picker control with a segmented style, and populates it with a list of all the available Color cases. The selectedColor binding is used to keep track of the currently selected color, and the description property of each Color is used as the label for the corresponding segment. To use this color picker in your code, you would need to create a binding to a state variable that will hold the selected color, and pass it to the selectedColor property of the ColorPicker. For example: This will create a color picker with a list of all the available Color cases, and display the selected color below the picker. You can use the native SwiftUI ColorPicker control that allows the user to select a color.  Let me create another version of the custom color picker. To create a custom color picker in SwiftUI, you can use a ScrollView or VStack to lay out a list of Button or Circle views, each with a different color. Here is…

Floating Action Button in SwiftUI

To create a floating button in SwiftUI, you can use a Button with a custom background and a fixed position within a ZStack. Here is an example of how you might do this: This creates a circular button with a red background, a white icon, and a drop shadow. The button’s action is specified by the action closure, and the icon is specified by the icon string. To use this button in your code, you would need to create a closure that performs the desired action when the button is tapped, and pass it to the action property of the FloatingButton. You would also need to specify the icon to display on the button using the icon property. For example: This will create a floating button with a “plus” icon that is positioned in the bottom-right corner of the view. When the button is tapped, the closure provided as the action property will be called.

Async Custom Avatar in SwiftUI using AsyncImage

To create a custom avatar in SwiftUI using the AsyncImage library, you can use the AsyncImage view to asynchronously load the image from a URL, and then apply a cornerRadius() modifier to give it a circular shape. You can also use a ZStack to overlay a border or shadow on top of the image. Here is an example of how you could create a custom avatar view using AsyncImage: You can then use the AvatarView like this: You can customize the appearance of the avatar by modifying the image URL, size, border, shadow, and other parameters of the view. You can implement a simple avatar using a system image if you don’t need image from the network – How to Create A Custom Avatar in SwiftUI

How to Create A Custom Avatar in SwiftUI

To create a custom avatar in SwiftUI, you can use an Image view and apply a cornerRadius() modifier to give it a circular shape. You can also use a ZStack to overlay a border or shadow on top of the image. Here is an example of how you could create a custom avatar view: You can then use the AvatarView like this: You can customize the appearance of the avatar by modifying the image, size, border, shadow, and other parameters of the view. If you want to load an image in an avatar asynchronously you can take a look at the following articles Async Custom Avatar in SwiftUI using AsyncImage

How to Delete List Rows from SwiftUI

SwiftUI makes it easy to delete rows from a list using the onDelete() modifier. In this blog post, we’ll learn how to use the onDelete() modifier to allow the user to delete items from a list. To get started, let’s create a simple list of strings that we’ll use as our data source: Next, we’ll create a List and bind it to our data source using the ForEach view: This will create a simple list of items that can’t be deleted by the user. To enable deleting, we’ll need to add the onDelete() modifier to our ForEach view: The onDelete() modifier takes a closure that is called whenever the user tries to delete an item. The closure receives an IndexSet that contains the indices of the items being deleted. To actually delete the items, we’ll need to update our data source and apply the changes to the list. One way to do this is to use the remove(atOffsets:) method of the MutableCollection protocol:

How to Reorder List rows in SwiftUI

SwiftUI provides a powerful and easy-to-use API for building lists of items that can be reordered by the user. In this blog post, we’ll learn how to create a list of items that can be reordered using the built-in .onMove() modifier. To get started, let’s create a simple list of strings that we’ll use as our data source: Next, we’ll create a List and bind it to our data source using the ForEach view: This will create a simple list of items that can’t be reordered by the user. To enable reordering, we’ll need to add the .onMove() modifier to our ForEach view: The .onMove() modifier takes a closure that is called whenever the user tries to reorder an item. The closure receives two arguments: source and destination. The source argument is an IndexSet that contains the index of the item being moved, and the destination argument is an integer representing the destination index of the moved item. To actually reorder the items, we’ll need to update our data source and apply the changes to the list. One way to do this is to use the move() method of the MutableCollection protocol. The onMove‘s closure takes two arguments, an IndexSet of moving items and a…

iOS Developer – Bonus Interview Questions

While the basic technical questions are important, many interviewers also like to ask more open-ended and creative questions to gauge your problem-solving skills, your design sense, and your overall knowledge of the iOS ecosystem. Here are some examples of topics that you may encounter in an iOS interview which should be tackled first: As iOS developers, we mostly invest our time in Xcode to implement and build iOS projects. We also use some common iOS development tools, frameworks, dependency managers, and build infrastructures. In this article, I will add a few bonus questions that are asked in the iOS interview which are mostly related to tools and not related to programming language. Get ahead of the competition and ace your next iOS interview with expert-curated resources. Check out the collection of SwiftUI and Swift interview questions and answers, behavioral interview tips, and the popular custom layout contents. Plus, go through the new section for Engineering Manager to help you excel in your career! Join my free Newsletter 🚀 What is a view debugger in Xcode? Why view debugger is important? The view debugger in Xcode is a tool that allows you to debug and inspect the layout and hierarchy of…

Custom Circular Progress Bar in SwiftUI

Circular progress bars, also known as donut charts, are a common visual element used to display progress or completion percentage in a circular format. In SwiftUI, you can create a custom circular progress bar by combining different views and applying transformations to them. Here is an example of how you could create a custom circular progress bar in SwiftUI: This code creates a CircularProgressBar struct that conforms to the View protocol and has a @Binding variable called progress that is used to track the progress of the bar, and a size variable that determines the size of the bar. The body of the CircularProgressBar consists of a ZStack with three views: a circle for the track, a circle for the progress, and a text label for the progress percentage. The track circle is created using the Circle view and is styled with a secondary color and a line width of 10 points. The progress circle is created using the Circle view and is styled with a primary color, a line width of 10 points, and a line cap of .round. The trim modifier is used to trim the progress circle from 0 to the progress value, and the rotationEffect modifier…

How to animate SwiftUI views?

There are several ways to animate views in SwiftUI. Here are a few examples: Using the .animation() modifier: The .animation() modifier can be used to specify an animation to be applied to a view. For example, you could use the .scale() animation to make a view grow or shrink: Using the withAnimation() function: The withAnimation() function can be used to wrap a change to a view’s state in an animation. For example, you could use it to animate a view’s position when it is tapped: Using custom animations: You can also create custom animations in SwiftUI by using the Animation type and the animation() modifier. For example, you could create an animation that scales and rotates a view simultaneously:

SwiftUI property wrappers

SwiftUI is a modern, declarative framework for building user interfaces on Apple platforms. One of the key features it provides is the use of property wrappers, which are a way to add functionality to properties in your SwiftUI views. Property wrappers are defined using the @ symbol, followed by the name of the property wrapper. Here is a list of all the property wrappers available in SwiftUI:

Mentoring a junior iOS developer

Mentoring a junior iOS developer can be a rewarding experience, as it allows you to share your knowledge and experience and help them grow as a developer. Here are a few tips for effectively mentoring a junior iOS developer: Overall, effectively mentoring a junior iOS developer requires clear communication, goal-setting, guidance and support, encouragement of self-directed learning, and regular feedback. By following these tips, you can help the junior developer grow and develop as a developer and contribute effectively to your team.

What should you consider when you review iOS code?

When reviewing iOS code, it is important to consider a number of different factors to ensure that the code is high-quality, maintainable, and aligned with best practices. Some things to consider include: Overall, when reviewing iOS code, it is important to consider the code’s structure and organization, coding style, naming conventions, formatting, comments, efficiency, error handling, and test coverage. By considering these factors, you can ensure that the code you review is of high quality and meets the necessary standards.

How do you organize 1:1 meetings with your team?

1:1 meetings, also known as one-on-one meetings or individual meetings, are meetings between two people in which they discuss specific issues or topics. These meetings are typically used for discussing work-related issues, providing feedback or coaching, or addressing personal concerns. They are often held regularly, such as weekly or monthly, and are typically scheduled in advance. They are usually confidential, and can be used as a way to build trust and open communication with a colleague or team member. There are several benefits of 1:1 meetings. 1:1 meetings provide a dedicated time for individuals to discuss specific issues or concerns with one another, which can help to improve communication and build trust. By discussing work-related issues in a dedicated setting, individuals can stay on track with their tasks and goals, leading to increased productivity. 1:1 meetings can be used for coaching and mentoring, which can help individuals to develop new skills and reach their full potential. By discussing issues in a dedicated setting, individuals can work together to find solutions to problems, leading to more efficient and effective problem-solving. By giving employees a dedicated time to voice their concerns and ideas, managers can show that they value and respect their…

What should you learn as a beginner iOS Engineer?

As a beginner iOS engineer, there are several key areas you should focus on learning: Overall, as a beginner iOS engineer, it is important to focus on learning the Swift programming language, the iOS frameworks and APIs, the Xcode development environment, design patterns and best practices, and user interface design.

Strategies to deal with the low performer in a team

As a staff iOS engineer, it is important to be proactive in addressing and addressing performance issues within your team. Here are a few strategies you can consider when dealing with a low performer on your team: Ultimately, dealing with a low performer on your team requires a combination of clear communication, feedback, support, and resources. As a staff iOS engineer, it is important to be proactive in addressing and addressing performance issues to ensure that your team can work effectively and efficiently.

How can you motivate your team members as a staff iOS Engineer?

As a staff iOS engineer, you play a key role in maintaining a positive and productive team culture. Here are a few strategies you can consider to motivate your team members: Ultimately, motivating your team members requires a combination of clear goals, recognition, growth opportunities, teamwork, and work-life balance. As a staff iOS engineer, it is important to be proactive in fostering a positive and productive team culture to ensure that your team can work effectively and efficiently.

How could you manage internal team conflicts?

As a staff engineer, it is important to be proactive in addressing and resolving conflicts within your team. Here are a few strategies you can consider to manage internal team conflicts: Ultimately, managing internal team conflicts requires a combination of effective communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. As a staff engineer, it is important to be proactive in addressing and resolving conflicts to ensure that your team can work effectively and efficiently.

What should you do when there are not enough testing resources?

As an engineering manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that your team has the resources and support they need to deliver high-quality software on time. If you find that your team does not have enough testing resources, there are a few strategies you can consider to address the issue: Ultimately, the best course of action will depend on the specific needs of your team and the resources that are available to you. As an engineering manager, it is important

Drawing paths and custom shapes in SwiftUI

To draw paths and custom shapes in SwiftUI, you can use the Path and Shape types provided by the SwiftUI framework. The Path type represents a geometric path in two-dimensional space, and it consists of a sequence of straight and curved line segments. You can create a Path by constructing a Path object and adding line segments and curves to it using methods such as move(to:), addLine(to:), and addCurve(to:control1:control2:). The Shape type represents a geometric shape that can be drawn within a rectangular frame, and it is defined by a closure that takes a Path object and modifies it to create the desired shape. You can create a Shape by defining a closure that adds line segments and curves to a Path object and returning the Path object from the closure. Here’s an example of how to create a custom shape in SwiftUI by defining a closure that modifies a Path object: In this example, the Triangle struct conforms to the Shape protocol and defines a path(in:) method that takes a CGRect object and returns a Path object. The path(in:) method creates a Path object and adds line segments to it to create a triangle shape. To use the Triangle…

How to push a new view when a list row is tapped in SwiftUI?

To push a new view when a list row is tapped in SwiftUI, you can use the NavigationLink view provided by the SwiftUI framework. The NavigationLink view allows you to navigate to a new view when the user taps on it, and it is typically used within a list to create a drill-down effect. Here’s an example of how to use the NavigationLink view to push a new view when a list row is tapped in SwiftUI: In this example, the ContentView contains a list of NavigationLink views, each of which points to a DetailView as its destination. When the user taps on a NavigationLink in the list, the DetailView is pushed onto the navigation stack, and the user can navigate back to the list by tapping the back button in the navigation bar. You can customize the behavior of the NavigationLink view by using its various modifiers, such as isActive, tag, and selection, which allow you to control the appearance and behavior of the link. You can also use the NavigationView and NavigationButton views to control the appearance and behavior of the navigation bar and back button.

How to scroll to a specific row in a list in SwiftUI

If you want to programmatically scroll to a specific row in a list, you can use the scrollTo() method of the ScrollViewReader view in SwiftUI. Here’s how it works: For example, the following code creates a list of 50 rows wrapped in a ScrollViewReader: For example, the following code scrolls to the 10th row and positions it at the top of the scroll view: For example, the following code creates a button that, when tapped, scrolls to the 10th row of the list:

What are the limitations of SwiftUI?

Some drawbacks of SwiftUI – Learning curve.  Preview bugs in XCode. For complex UI, the best practices are not defined by the community yet.  Many features are still only available in UIKit.  SwiftUI is not available for older operating systems that you want to support. Supported only on iOS 13+ It provides very limited set of UI components. Lack of support from the developer community as it is a new paradigm. There are many companies that still have Objective-C as their codebase, and haven’t even started switching over to Swift – Company tech stack boundary will be always cons for new paradigm.

SwiftUI Interview Questions And Answers – Part 2 – UI Advance

Get prepared for your next SwiftUI interview with these advanced SwiftUI interview questions and answers. Covering topics such as the difference between SwiftUI and UIKit, the single source of truth principle, handling asynchronous tasks, and implementing animations, this resource will help you demonstrate your expertise in SwiftUI and stand out in the job market. Whether you are an experienced developer looking to advance your career or a beginner looking to break into the field, these SwiftUI interview questions and answers will help you showcase your skills and knowledge. Preparing for a SwiftUI interview can be a daunting task, especially if you’re an experienced developer looking to expand your skillset or a beginner just starting out in the industry. One of the best ways to prepare is by familiarizing yourself with the most common SwiftUI interview questions and answers. This will not only help you understand the types of questions you’ll be asked, but it will also give you a better understanding of the concepts and principles that are important to the role of a SwiftUI developer. In this article, I will go through some advanced UI related topics of SwiftUI. Most of the answer needs more explanation and I will…

iOS Developer Resume – 15 Tips that will land you on an interview

As a seasoned professional who has worked closely with hiring managers, recruiters, and HR departments to recruit top-notch candidates, I have gained a wealth of knowledge about the best practices for creating a standout resume. In this article, I will share my top 15 tips for crafting an exceptional resume as an iOS app developer. One key point to keep in mind is that your resume should highlight your iOS specific skills and experience, rather than focusing on general academic projects. I have found that many professionals mistakenly believe that a resume and a CV are the same thing, and they end up sending lengthy CVs in their job search. To be clear, a resume is a one to two-page document that succinctly presents your professional experience, skills, one or two recent projects, one proud achievement, and educational background. On the other hand, a CV (Curriculum Vitae) is a much longer document that provides a comprehensive overview of your entire career. While some employers may request a CV to gain a more in-depth understanding of a candidate, in Europe, a well-structured, tabular-format resume is more commonly used. In the following tips, I will provide guidance on how to create a…

Image Picker in SwiftUI

Apple provides is the ability to allow users to select and upload images from their device’s photo library or camera. To implement an image picker in SwiftUI, you will need to create an ImagePicker ViewController. This ViewController will allow the user to select a new picture from their photo library or by taking a new photo with their camera. To specify whether the user will be selecting a photo from their library or taking a new photo with their camera, you will need to add a sourceType parameter. You will also need to add a selectedImage and a Coordinator, which will allow you to preview the selected image in the View. This will give the user the opportunity to confirm their choice before updating their picture. Here’s an example of how to use the ImagePicker struct to allow a user to select an image from their photo library: To enable the user to choose or take a new profile picture using the ImagePicker ViewController, you will need to add the following states to your View: You will also need to add onTapGesture to the View that the user can tap to show the ImagePicker. You can also include an Image…

Debunk SwiftUI myth – Frequently asked questions

The debate between the SwiftUI and the Swift Interface Builder is ongoing from the moment when SwiftUI was first introduced in WWDC 2019. There are some misconceptions about SwiftUI implementation in the existing production app as well. I have faced some repetitive questions in different media about SwiftUI about those misconceptions. I believe that it is important to collect those questions and answer them briefly by which new developers will not be confused when choosing SwiftUI for their new/existing application. SwiftUI vs UIKit – Which one should I learn? SwiftUI is totally different paradigm than UIKit. If you a complete beginner, I will suggest to learn SwiftUI first because I think that the learning curve is smaller than traditional UIKit. As a beginner you also need to learn UIKit because the UIKit knowledge and experience will help to overcome certain sets of problem which is not available in SwiftUI currently. Is UIKit worthy to learn? Yes. Apple continues to add new language features in the both Swift and SwiftUI. A lot of new features added in the UIKit as well. To support older version of the app, you still need UIKit. Do I need to use Autolayout for SwiftUI? No.…

Top 10 Pros and Cons of SwiftUI

Before adapting SwiftUI in your current application or a brand new application, you should always consider all the advantages and disadvantages of SwiftUI. SwiftUI may not be good fit if you want to support older version of your application. In this short article, I will provide a high level pros and cons of SwiftUI which may help you to take the decision. There is a continuous debate among the iOS developer community about adopting SwiftUI since Apple introduced this framework in WWDC 2019(Debunk SwiftUI myth – Frequently asked questions). While adopting a new framework is always challenging but the advantages are huge in my opinion. Pros of SwiftUI Cons of SwiftUI Get ahead of the competition and ace your next iOS interview with expert-curated resources. Check out the collection of SwiftUI and Swift interview questions and answers, behavioral interview tips, and the popular custom layout contents. Plus, go through the new section for Engineering Manager to help you excel in your career! Join my free Newsletter 🚀

SwiftUI Interview Questions and Answers – Part 1 – UI Basics

SwiftUI is a powerful tool for creating intuitive and beautiful user interfaces on Apple platforms. In this series of blog posts, we’ll be covering some common SwiftUI interview questions and answers to help you prepare for your next job interview. In Part 1 of this series, I’ll focus on the basics of SwiftUI, including topics such as the structure of a SwiftUI app, layout, and views. Whether you’re an experienced iOS developer looking to learn more about SwiftUI or a beginner looking to get started with iOS development, these interview questions and answers will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed in your next job interview. In the article, I will focus on very basic interview questions of SwiftUI. Most of the questions and answers will help you to think from a different perspective than traditional UIKit. Though SwiftUI is a new paradigm, some of the companies have already moved toward SwiftUI to develop new features/UIs(Thanks to UIViewRepresentable). I will update this article with more questions in the future.  What is the structure of a SwiftUI app and how does it differ from a UIKit app? In a SwiftUI app, the main entry point is the SceneDelegate,…

SwiftUI Interview Questions & Answers

SwiftUI is a modern, declarative framework for building user interfaces on Apple platforms. Its intuitive syntax and straightforward approach to layout make it a popular choice for iOS developers. As a result, SwiftUI is often a topic of discussion in job interviews for iOS developers. In this blog post, we’ll be covering some of the most common SwiftUI interview questions and providing tips and resources for preparing for these types of questions. Whether you’re an experienced developer looking to brush up on your SwiftUI skills or a beginner preparing for your first iOS job interview, this post will provide valuable insights and resources to help you succeed. We’ll start by covering the basics of SwiftUI, including views, layout, and data binding. From there, we’ll delve into more advanced topics such as animations, custom views, and integrating with UIKit. Please take a look at the following article if your interview is on the doorstep Acing iOS Interview with Confidence, and Cracking the Behavioral Interview. If you are planning to apply for an iOS interview in the future, have a moment to check these out – iOS Developer Resume – 15 Tips that will land you on an interview, iOS Interview Guide…

Custom segmented control in SwiftUI

The segmented control in iOS is like a selection bar with two or more segments, each of which works as a mutually exclusive segment In this super short tutorial, we will take a look SwiftUI provided segmented control as well as a custom segmented control. Native segmented control uses picker with SegmentedPickerStyle to create a segmented control view. Get ahead of the competition and ace your next iOS interview with expert-curated resources. Check out the collection of SwiftUI and Swift interview questions and answers, behavioral interview tips, and the popular custom layout contents. Plus, go through the new section for Engineering Manager to help you excel in your career! Join my free Newsletter 🚀 Now let’s try to implement custom segment control using ZStack and some rectangles. I am using a foreach to loop through all options. Inside the ZStack, first rectangle is used for background color and second rectangle is used for selection color. Segment title is added inside the overlay. You can use this as a separate component and change the color based on your style. Calling this component is super easy from your main content view. Though the following implementation is enough for basic use, let’s enhance…