Value and reference types in Swift -A deep dive

The value and reference types are a very important concept in Swift. A value type contains the data within its own memory. A reference type holds a pointer to another memory location that holds the actual data. In this article, I will explain: The basics of value and reference types Differences between value and reference types Why does Apple prefer to use value types by default? When to use value types or reference types The basics of value and reference types A Value type holds its contents in memory allocated on the stack. When you create a Value type, one single space in memory is allocated to store the value. Here, the variable directly holds a value. Let’s assume, you assign it to another variable. The value is copied directly and both variables work independently. But, their addresses are different. A reference type holds a memory address to the object but not the actual object itself. It represents the address of the variable rather than the data itself. Assigning a reference variable to another variable doesn’t copy the data. Instead, it creates a second copy of the reference, which refers to the same address as the original value. Unlike value…

Secure a job as Software Engineer in Germany – Step by Step

In this article, I am portraying my personal experience in the current(2021) IT job market in Germany. I will try to answer some questions that are repeatedly asked by my students, ex-colleagues, friends from Bangladesh and India. I hope that it will help you to secure a job as Software Engineer in Germany. Though I answered them separately, I believe that it will be a good idea to write a step by step guide. In the first section of the article, I will try to explain and answer the common questions and after that, I will write the steps that you can follow to secure a job as Software Engineer. If you follow the steps, I can assure you that you will get at least a primary interview call. Then, your technical ability, charismatic speech, experience related to the job requirement and a little bit of luck will help you to secure a job as a software engineer in Germany. Q&A Can a foreigner get a job in Germany? Answer: Yes. The newly implemented law has expanded the list of those that are now considered qualified professionals for moving to Germany for work. Under the new law, in addition to…