Engineering Manager

Reading articles about iOS engineering management can provide valuable insights and strategies for managing and leading a team of iOS engineers. They can help you learn about industry best practices, stay up-to-date on new technologies and trends, and improve your ability to effectively manage and motivate your team. Additionally, reading these articles can help you to better understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with managing an iOS engineering team, which can help you to make more informed decisions and be a more effective leader.

Pair Programming Culture in Mobile App Team

Pair programming is a technique where two developers work together on the same codebase, with one person typing and the other person reviewing and providing feedback. It can be a valuable tool for improving the quality of code, sharing knowledge,…

Cracking The Culture Fit Interview

A culture fit interview is a type of interview in which a candidate’s compatibility with an organization’s values, norms, and working style is evaluated. The goal is to determine whether the candidate would be a good “fit” for the company…

Tips for conducting scrum daily in a big team

Scrum is a popular framework for managing and completing complex projects. It’s particularly well-suited for small teams, as it provides a structure for collaboration and communication. What is the recommended size for a scrum team? For large enterprise projects, the…

Managing Inter Team & Intra Team Dependency

In any organization, it is common for different teams to work on different projects or tasks that are interdependent on each other. In this scenario, it is important to understand the difference between inter-team dependencies and intra-team dependencies. Inter-team dependencies…

Ownership Culture

An ownership culture in a mobile app development team is one in which team members take responsibility for the quality and success of their work, and are committed to delivering high-quality features that meet the project’s goals. An ownership culture…

Synchronise iOS and Android Teams

As mobile app development continues to grow in popularity, it’s becoming increasingly common for teams to work on both iOS and Android versions of the same app. However, coordinating the efforts of two separate teams working on different platforms can…

What should you look for when screening resumes?

When screening resumes, it’s important to keep in mind that a resume is a person’s self-promotion document. It’s designed to showcase their skills, experience, and qualifications in the best light possible. However, as an employer, it’s your job to sift…

Dealing with Lone Wolf Software Engineer

“Lone wolf” software engineer refers to the challenges and limitations that an individual developer may face when working independently on a software project. These challenges can include a lack of resources, support, and collaboration, as well as difficulty staying motivated…

Mentoring a junior iOS developer

Mentoring a junior iOS developer can be a rewarding experience, as it allows you to share your knowledge and experience and help them grow as a developer. Here are a few tips for effectively mentoring a junior iOS developer: Overall,…

How could you manage internal team conflicts?

As a staff engineer, it is important to be proactive in addressing and resolving conflicts within your team. Here are a few strategies you can consider to manage internal team conflicts: Ultimately, managing internal team conflicts requires a combination of…