
Custom Activity Ring in SwiftUI

Activity rings are a feature of the Apple Watch that track a user’s physical activity throughout the day. There are three rings: one for Move, one for Exercise, and one for Stand. I will create a basic custom activity ring…

Custom Color Picker in SwiftUI

To create a simple color picker in SwiftUI, you can use a Picker control and bind it to an array of Color values. Here is an example of how you might do this: This creates a picker control with a…

How to Create A Custom Avatar in SwiftUI

To create a custom avatar in SwiftUI, you can use an Image view and apply a cornerRadius() modifier to give it a circular shape. You can also use a ZStack to overlay a border or shadow on top of the…

Custom Circular Progress Bar in SwiftUI

Circular progress bars, also known as donut charts, are a common visual element used to display progress or completion percentage in a circular format. In SwiftUI, you can create a custom circular progress bar by combining different views and applying…

Custom segmented control in SwiftUI

The segmented control in iOS is like a selection bar with two or more segments, each of which works as a mutually exclusive segment In this super short tutorial, we will take a look SwiftUI provided segmented control as well…

How to implement custom font in SwiftUI?

Fonts can influence our emotions. They can also impact the user experience. In SwiftUi, It is very easy to use custom font by the help of info.plist and the font modifier. In this article, I will demonstrate how to add…