Uplift iOS Interview
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If you want to place a view on top of another view(s), you need to use ZStack. The ZStack places each child view a higher z-axis value than the one before it. It simply means that later children are presented “on top” of the earlier child views. The very common use of Zstack is placing a test on top of a view.
Let’s place a text on top of a view –
ZStack { Capsule() .fill(Color.orange) .frame(height: 40) Text("Sign up").font(.title2) }
The default ZStack alignment is center. ZStack doesn’t have a spacing property but you can offset() to move the position of child view.
struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { ZStack { Capsule() .fill(Color.orange) .frame(height: 40) Text("Sign up").font(.title2) } .padding() } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView() } }
✍️ Written by Ishtiak Ahmed
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